
Charitable Grant Policy

The Morrisons Foundation awards grants to UK registered charities to support projects which make a positive difference in local communities.  Applications are accepted and reviewed on a continual basis, there is no deadline for requests to be submitted.  In making an application you agree that the terms and conditions set out below apply to the application process and to any grant we may make to you.

The Morrisons Foundation awards grants to UK registered charities to support projects which make a positive difference in local communities.

The maximum grant charities can apply for is £10,000.

Applications from smaller charities are prioritised and we use the established definition for this which is a charity with an annual income of less than £1 million, based on the latest figure presented on the Charity Commission or OSCR website.

Applications should deliver on (at least) one of three objectives to be considered for support, these are:

1. Tackling poverty and social deprivation;   2. Enhancing community spaces, facilities and services; 3. Improving health and wellbeing.

In making an application, you agree that the terms and conditions set out below apply to the application process and to any grant we may make to you.

Information for all applicants

The application form you have completed is a request by you to us for funding, and you acknowledge that we are under no obligation to make a grant to you and that our decision is final.

The Morrisons Foundation is a registered charity: 1160224 (England and Wales) and SC045634 (Scotland) and a private company limited by guarantee.

All applications for grants must be made through the Morrisons Foundation’s website ( Applications are accepted on a continual basis and can take up to three months to review.

Grants may be applied for by any charity which has been registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Charity Commission) and/or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) for a minimum of one year. To be eligible for funding, a charity’s accounts must have been filed in accordance with the Charity Commission/OSCR requirements, must show as having been received on time and that have not been qualified.

Overall funding in any year is limited and as The Morrisons Foundation receives a very high volume of applications, we are unable to support all requests. We can only consider one application per charity at any one time. Charities who have been unsuccessful in the past cannot apply for the same project within a 12 month period.

The Morrisons Foundation reserves the right to limit and/or withdraw all or part of a charitable grant at any point. The Morrisons Foundation accepts no liability for any consequences, whether direct or indirect, that may come about from the project, the use of the grant or from withdrawal of the grant.

Charities that have previously received a grant donation can apply for further funding at any time after completing and submitting a post grant report. Any subsequent applications will be treated as new, and not viewed more or less favourably by virtue of a previously awarded grant for the same charity.

The Morrisons Foundation will not generally consider applications which are related to:

  • Organisations that are not registered with the Charity Commission or OSCR (companies with exempt charitable status or CICs are not eligible for support);
  • Salaries, staff costs (outside of those required to deliver the project), rent costs, utilities, administration costs or any other running costs;
  • Support of ongoing services;
  • Grants, bursaries etc. to individuals;
  • Expeditions, recreation or overseas travel;
  • Fundraising events or grants to ongoing appeals;
  • Work that is primarily the statutory responsibility of public agencies;
  • Promotion of religious or political messaging;
  • Part-funding or contributions towards projects;
  • Grants in excess of £10,000;
  • Advertising, sponsorship, promotion or marketing of events or services;
  • Conferences or seminars;
  • Charities that are recently registered with the Charity Commission / OSCR and have yet to file their accounts;
  • Charities whose accounts are overdue their filing date with the Charity Commission or OSCR;
  • Charities who have filed their accounts late to the Charity Commission or OSCR within the past three years;
  • Charities whose accounts have been qualified by the the Charity Commission or OSCR within the past three years;
  • Charities applying for the same project that was previously unsuccessful within the past 12 months;
  • Equipment which will be retained by individuals rather than the charity;
  • Charities whose primary purpose is the support of animal welfare;
  • Projects being delivered outside England, Scotland or Wales;
  • Sports-based charities, unless the objective is to improve the lives of vulnerable or disadvantaged individuals;
  • Projects which could harm the reputation of The Morrisons Foundation.

Successful applicants

If your application is successful, then these terms and conditions will apply to any funds paid by us to your charity, to support the project identified in the application, and no other.


In these terms and conditions:

  • Application means an application made by you to us for funding.
  • Grant means any grant or donation made by us to you.
  • Project means the project detailed by you in your Application.
  • Term means the period specified in any grant offer letter sent by us to you.
  • Offer Email means the email in which we communicate to you that your grant application has been successful.
  • Project means the project detailed by you in your Application.
  • Term means the period specified in the Offer Email
  • ‘We’, ‘us’, or ‘our’ means The Morrisons Foundation and includes its trustees and those acting for it and ‘you’ and ‘your’ means the applicant charity.
  1. Contract

    1. ‘We’, ‘us’, or ‘our’ means The Morrisons Foundation and includes its trustees and those acting for it and ‘you’ and ‘your’ means the applicant charity.
    2. The Morrisons Foundation awards charitable grants at its sole discretion and in accepting the Grant, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  2. The Grant and your obligations

    1. The Grant must be used by you exclusively for the delivery of the Project, which is, and which you must ensure remains, a charitable activity for the public benefit. No material change to the Project or its implementation as set out in the Application may be made by you without the prior consent in writing of The Morrisons Foundation
    2. You agree to act in good faith in relation to your use of the Grant.
    3. You agree:
      1. to keep accurate records detailing how the Grant has been applied and to provide this information to us upon request;
      2. to maintain and not contravene any consents or approvals required for carrying out the Project.
    4. Successful applicants will receive payment electronically. Applicants must provide sufficient information for payment to be made (i.e. by BACS, Faster Payments or credit card) within 14 days of approval of the Grant, including proof of bank details (in a format requested by The Morrisons Foundation) to reduce the risk of fraud. Should we be unable to contact you on the details provided from your original application or you cannot provide the information required to arrange payment within the 6 month timeframe from approval, we reserve the right to withdraw our offer of the Grant.
      1. Payments can only be made to accounts held in the name of the charity, we will not make payments into accounts held in a person's or individual's name.
  3. Repayment of Grant

    1. Notwithstanding any other provisions in these terms and conditions, we (acting reasonably) reserve the right to ask you to repay all or any part of the Grant which in our opinion:
      1. has not been used solely for the Project;
      2. has been used for non-charitable purposes; or
      3. remains unspent at the end of the Term.
    2. Where 3.1 applies, you agree to make any such repayments within 14 working days or such other timescale as agreed by us.
  4. Reporting

    1. We may use your reports for our reporting purposes and to publicise the activities of The Morrisons Foundation.
    2. You must comply with any reasonable requirements that we may have for site visits, compliance visits and meetings with your officers or agents at any reasonable time and on reasonable notice.
    3. You must, on request, provide us with such further information and documents as we may reasonably require in order for us to establish that the Grant has been used properly in accordance with these terms and conditions.
    4. Upon completion of the Project, you must submit a Post Project Report which outlines the benefits/outcomes delivered and is in the form prescribed by us; this is usually the one year anniversary of the date the application was approved by the Trustees. Subsequent applications for support may be prohibited from charities until a Post Project Report has been submitted.
  5. Serious incident reporting

    1. We are under an obligation to report to the Charity Commission serious incidents involving our partners which materially affect us, our staff, operations, finances and/or reputation. As a grant recipient of funding from us you are and will be a partner for these purposes. You must therefore inform us when an incident occurs that is serious enough to be reported to the Charity Commission, so that we can consider, and if necessary meet, our own reporting obligations to the Charity Commission and, where required, take further appropriate action. Guidance on what may constitute a serious incident in your charity for these purposes can be found here:
    2. If an incident has occurred and you are unsure whether it might materially affect us, our staff, our operations, our finances and/or our reputation then you should contact us and we will consider what action, if any, we need to take.
    3. You must report any serious incident to us (providing full and frank disclosure) as soon as is reasonably possible after it happens, or immediately after you become aware of it, by contacting
    4. For further general information on serious incident reporting please follow the link below:
  6. Publicity and marketing

    We and Morrisons Limited may publicise details of the successful Projects on-line, in our literature and in the relevant Morrisons stores. You agree that we may disclose the existence of the nature of our relationship with you for publicity purposes and use the information and images included in your Application (or provided to us separately) to use in our literature, online and/or to display in the relevant Morrisons store for publicity purposes.

  7. Termination

    1. If we have specified a Term, our agreement with you will end on the expiration of the Term.
    2. We may cease to provide the Grant (or any unpaid instalments of the Grant) and terminate our agreement with you immediately if any of the following happens:
      1. you breach any of these terms and conditions, including the use of the Grant;
      2. you cease trading or become unable to repay your debts and/or an insolvency situation arises (for example a receiver, liquidator or administrator, trustee or similar is appointed over any of your assets or you propose to make any arrangement with your creditors or you enter into liquidation);
      3. you do something which has, or which we deem may have, the potential to materially damage our brand, our reputation or goodwill. For the avoidance of doubt, such activity by you may not necessarily be through work undertaken on the Project, it could be through other areas of your work; or
      4. you are unable to perform your obligations under these terms and conditions.
  8. Data

    1. In this clause, “Data Protection Legislation” means all applicable data protection legislation and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the Data Protection Act 2018 (and regulations thereunder).
    2. All information and data (including personal data as defined by the Data Protection Legislation) collected or obtained by you in relation to the provision of the Project (Data) will remain your property (or that of your licensors). However, we and our agents shall be entitled to use the Data for any purpose, including for analysis and statistical purposes, for market research, for the general promotion of our activities and for auditing purposes, provided that any personal data shall only be used in accordance with our privacy policy at You shall provide the Data and such other requisite information in accordance with these terms and conditions.
    3. You agree and acknowledge that we and our agents shall have the right to use any Data for the purposes set out in Clause 8b above and you shall ensure that data subjects are informed of and, to the extent applicable, consent to our and our agents' access to and use of the Data that is collected in relation to them. You shall ensure that such notice is given/consent obtained at the time of collection of any such Data and such wording is included in any agreement, quotation form, contract form, referral form or application form.
  9. VAT

    You acknowledge that the Grant is not part of any taxable supply for VAT purposes by you to us. You understand our obligation does not extend to paying you any amounts in respect of VAT in addition to the Grant and that the Grant made by us is inclusive of VAT.

  10. General

    1. Overall funding in any year is limited. You acknowledge that we can only guarantee payment of the Grant as long as funds are available. As such The Morrisons Foundation reserves the right to limit and/or to withdraw all or part of a Grant at any point.
    2. You may not transfer any part of the Grant or any rights under it to another organisation or individual, unless you have entered into an agreement which must have been authorised by us in writing, permitting you to work with another organisation in delivering the Project.
    3. Any variations to these terms and conditions shall not be valid unless agreed in writing by us.
    4. Any notice or communication to be given under these terms and conditions must be made in writing. We will assume any notice has been received two working days after the date it was posted. We will also assume that any notice given electronically shall be deemed to have been received at the beginning of the next working day, so long as a confirmation of sending receipt is received. Notices shall be sent to:
      1. The Morrisons Foundation:
        Hilmore House
        Gain Lane
        West Yorkshire
        BD3 7DL
      2. or to such other address(es) as we may notify to you from time to time; and
    5. you at the address provided to us by you on the Application.
  11. Application) contain everything agreed between the parties in relation to the Grant.These terms and conditions and the documents referred to in them (including the
  12. If a court decides that part of these terms and conditions are not enforceable in law, that decision does not alter the enforceability of the rest of the terms and conditions.
  13. The Grant, these terms and conditions and all disputes and claims arising out of or in connection with them will be governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction.
Please note: no material change to the Project or its implementation as set out in the application may be made by you without the prior consent in writing of The Morrisons Foundation