Grant Funding Feedback

Reporting on the impact of your project

The Morrisons Foundation supports charities making a positive difference in local communities across England, scotland and Wales.
To help us track and evaluate our grants we request the charities submit a post grant report. For further details, please refer to our Grant Funding Policy.
Once you have come to the end of your grant, please submit your post grant report below.

To complete the post grant report you will need to have details of your application to hand, including:

  1. The grant reference number (this is an eight-digit number you will have received when you submitted your application)
  2. Your registered charity number
  3. The value of the grant and how this was spent

To download a PDF guidance document containing the full list of questions included in our post grant report, please click here.


Your Details


Project Input & Outputs


Project Impact


Case Example & Declaration