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St Vincent's Bradford
St Vincent de Paul Society in Bradford were delighted with our donation of £10,000, which was welcomed by Imran Hussain, MP who visited the charity to celebrate their success in securing the grant.
Our support will help fund St Vincent’s innovative ‘Seedlings’ programme at the charity’s Social Enterprise hub. The Seedlings workshops will offer essential opportunities for children to learn, play and socialise and gain important skills to support their development at school. The centre is one of 16 regional hubs of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), a national charity dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms and supporting over 250,000 people and families each year.
Andrew Daines, Volunteer and Community Engagement Officer at St Vincent’s said: “Thanks to the support from the Morrisons Foundation, we will be able to set up a series of eight Seedlings workshops. The workshops will consist of seven sessions and each session will cover a different topic.
"Our aim is to promote the seven areas of learning; communication and language development, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy development, mathematics, understanding the world and art and design."
“Early years education is an incredibly important part of a child’s life and we hope the Seedlings workshops will help to shape the children’s educational outcomes.”
Imran Hussain, MP for Bradford East said: “Bradford is the youngest city in the UK, so I am happy to see that Morrisons, a Bradford-based company, is investing in our young people. During my visit today I have seen the all-encompassing wrap around support that is provided by St Vincent’s Bradford Social Enterprise.
“They serve the most vulnerable people in our district in the face of ever-increasing demand. I am delighted that this crucial support will be further extended as a result of this additional funding.