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Brecon Mountain Rescue Team

05 April 2023

Brecon Mountain Rescue Team received a grant of £2,275 for specialist medical equipment

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World Book Day

02 March 2023

We donated thousands of books to primary schools throughout the country to celebrate World Book Day

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Trust Links

07 February 2023

Trust Links were awarded a grant of £10,000 to develop a classroom at their community orchard in Southend to support people with mental health conditions

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Wales Council for Deaf People

05 January 2023

Wales Council for Deaf People received a grant of £18,793 to provide lip reading training sessions in communities across Wales

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Christmas Appeal 2022

01 December 2022

The Trussell Trust's Emergency Fund will be receiving our support to help food banks across the country this winter

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Feeding Britain

04 November 2022

Feeding Britain were awarded £24,000 in support of their 15 community food hubs across the country

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Small Acts of Kindness

07 October 2022

Small Acts of Kindness received a grant of £22,400  to provide winter warmer gift bags to vulnerable older people

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The Outdoor Partnership

03 September 2022

The Outdoor Partnership received a grant of £7,010 to provide rock climbing activities to young people with disabilities in Wales

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